Jay Geier
First published in 1910, Dental Economics is the world’s leading digital and print practice management journal for the dental profession. Reaching upwards of more than 270,000 readers monthly, Dental Economics is one of the industry’s most-read and trusted dental publications. Dentists in every stage of their careers will find something of interest and value in this magazine and we here at Scheduling Institute are so honored to have our Founder and CEO featured in this month’s issue.
Since 1997, Jay Geier has been helping practice professionals reach their personal and professional goals. He is the mastermind behind helping dentists increase their revenue, practice equity and personal income they never knew they wanted or could actually achieve.
Scheduling Institute supports medical practices all over the world. Every training offered and is designed to get results and increase revenue in a specific area. Doctors were trained to be good doctors, but they were not trained to be successful business people. It’s crucial to invest in yourself as a leader, manager and financier.
When it comes to dentists, their main focus on increasing personal income. Jay created a dental practice coaching road map to financial freedom that focuses on increasing revenue, which increases both personal income and practice equity. Have you ever asked yourself, “how do I grow my practice?’ or “how do I sell my dental practice”? If the answer is yes, your answer lies with Jay Geier and Scheduling Institute.

An Inside Look into the Man Who Turns Dentists into Millionaires
Jay Geier is the Founder and CEO of Scheduling Institute, a practice management consultancy that supports more than 1,500 practices worldwide. In this interview, Jay shares the benefits of being a Scheduling Institute client and the importance of doctors focusing on increasing revenue and building equity in their practices.
How’d you get into dentistry?
I have owned a corporation of some kind since I was only18. When I started out, I was driven by money. All I really wanted to be was rich. As long as I was rich, I assumed I would be happy.
When I reached the age of 21, two things happened:
I was diagnosed with cancer, and I realized that I was broke. My view on life changed quickly. It took a year of intense chemotherapy to cure the cancer. Those were physically and emotionally, the worst days of my life. But when I got through it, I was a different person…
To continue reading, check out the October issue of dental economics or stay tuned in to our blog that will release the whole article October 11th.
Learn more about practice growth by listening to the Private Practice Playbook Podcast